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Vein Care Specialists Are Highly Trained

Jul 24

Whether varicose or spider veins, there are many treatments to manage them. Center for Advanced Vein Care experts can help you decide the right plan for your condition and goals. They examine your legs, perform ultrasound diagnostic tests and curate a personalized treatment plan just for you. Our vein specialists are highly trained in vascular medicine, vascular surgery, interventional radiology and dermatology.

Varicose veins are enlarged blood vessels in your legs that become twisted and raised above the surface of the skin. They occur when the valves that control blood flow in the veins weaken or become damaged. This causes the veins to stretch and the blood to pool inside. These veins are located close to the surface of the skin and may appear blue/purple in color. Over time, they can cause pain and discomfort.

They can also lead to serious complications, including blood clots, inflammation and ulcers. Varicose veins are more common in women and are usually hereditary, but they can be caused by other things as well. Hormone changes, such as those that happen during pregnancy or when taking birth control pills, can relax the walls of the veins. Having a family history of varicose veins or being overweight can increase your risk of getting them.

Varicose veins can be very painful, especially if you are standing or sitting for long periods of time. To reduce the pain, you can elevate your legs several times throughout the day. This is done by lying down and placing a pillow or higher piece of furniture under your legs. This helps move the blood back up toward your heart, which relieves any pressure on the blood vessels and veins in your leg. You can also wear elastic stockings to compress your legs, which will also decrease discomfort and improve circulation.

Other ways to decrease the appearance and symptoms of varicose veins include wearing loose, comfortable clothing that fits your body well. Avoid tight socks and stockings, which can restrict blood flow in the leg. If you work in a job that requires you to sit or stand for long periods of time, try to move around frequently and raise your legs when you can. It's important to drink plenty of water, but minimize drinks that contain caffeine and alcohol.

There are also natural supplements that can promote vein health and help with circulation. They include butcher's broom, which contains the chemical ruscogenin, and cayenne pepper, which can be applied to the skin or ingested as a supplement to improve circulation.

If self-care methods do not help with your vein pain, you can see a vein specialist to discuss more invasive options for treating your varicose and spider veins. These include:

For severe varicose veins, your provider might recommend surgery to tie off and remove the affected veins. This procedure is called vein stripping or vein ligation. It is usually done on an outpatient basis, and you will be sedated. It is recommended only when less invasive procedures are not helpful.