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Tooth Contouring and Reshaping Tips

Apr 14

Tooth contouring, also known as odontoplasty or enameloplasty, is a cosmetic dentist operation that tries to restructure your teeth in order to improve your smile's appearance. While there are certain restrictions to what this procedure can accomplish, it can shorten overlong incisors, repair tiny chips, cracks, and pits in tooth enamel, and improve the symmetry of your teeth.


While the surgery is painless and widely tolerated, there are a few concerns. Temporary dental sensitivity, an increased risk of tooth decay or damage, and tooth discoloration are all possible side effects. While there are no specific measures for aftercare, you should still keep track of your tooth health, brush twice a day, floss every day, and see a dentist on a regular basis.


Is Dental Contouring a Good Option for You?

In general, dental or tooth contouring is a cosmetic operation that is chosen by the patient. This treatment is not suitable for all patients or situations. This method is most effective for the following conditions:

  • Teeth with minor chips or cracks
  • Tooth enamel pits or bulges
  • Teeth can be shortened if they are too long (especially pointy ones)
  • Teeth misalignment that is minor
  • Uneven grin


Significant dental disorders or damage may necessitate further treatments in addition to tooth contouring. Dental crowns, orthodontics, veneers, bonding, bridges, and other options are examined in these circumstances.

Tooth health is also a factor; cavities, loose teeth, and other difficulties can make tooth contouring impossible.

Changing the Shape of Canine Teeth

Changing the appearance of your canine teeth is one of the most common dental contouring operations (the pointy teeth, also known as cuspids). The goal of this project is to lower the length of these teeth by grinding away the superfluous enamel in an even and meticulous manner.


What to Expect During the Surgery

A dentist or cosmetic dentist performs tooth reshaping and contouring in the office. What you need to know about how it's done is as follows:


Painless Procedure: Tooth filing is a painless operation that only affects the outer layer of your teeth's enamel. It's a painless treatment because this layer has no nerves. If you're worried about discomfort, you can ask for an anesthetic.


Instruments: Dentists now have a variety of instruments to choose from. Specialized lasers, in addition to typical drills, can remove the outer layers of enamel, and strips (with an abrasive edge, similar to sandpaper) can be used to work on the sides of the teeth.


Polishing: The dentist will polish the tooth once it has been curved and reshaped. This entails smoothing and removing discolouration from your teeth in order to give them a lustrous, appealing appearance.



While tooth contouring isn't ideal in every situation, there are a few important advantages to having it done. These are some of them:

  1. It's a more conservative approach to cosmetic dentistry than other methods.
  2. It's non-painful and well-tolerated.
  3. After that, you can resume your normal eating and drinking habits.
  4. Contouring can help reduce tooth decay and gum disease by changing anatomy or overhangs that can lead to greater tartar build-up.
  5. As your grin improves, your self-esteem and emotions of self-worth improve as well.

Risks to Consider

Tooth contouring, like any other dental procedure, has inherent hazards, despite your dentist's best efforts. Dentists must be very careful because the enamel layer is quite thin—only approximately 2.6 millimeters thick—and complications might emerge if too much is removed. Tooth contouring could lead to:

  • Tooth sensitivity to warmth and cold for a short period of time
  • Tooth decay or injury is more likely.
  • Teeth discoloration
  • Recurrence risk in situations of teeth grinding (bruxism).

This is not something you should try at home.

Tooth contouring should not be attempted at home due to the risk of damage to your teeth. Not only does this require extensive training, but it is also extremely risky to perform this procedure on your own mouth. You risk hurting your own teeth if you do so.

At River District Smiles Dentistry, we ensure that our patient's safety and comfort are always our number one priority. Our team of highly trained and experienced dentists will be more than happy to discuss with you the risks and benefits of tooth contouring in order to help you make the best decision for your smile. Please call us today to book an appointment!
